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king50mbowskyblogcom : king50mbowskyblogcom
this is 50mbow,the sénégalese dream. fuck haters,am the king and my time is now

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Teremtés: 05/09/2008 11:41
Frissítés: 05/09/2008 11:52
Cikkek 1
Képek 1
Látogatás a hét 611
Összes látogatás 645

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Az elemek sorrendje a legújabb elöl!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Cikk: it's new king of the world. call me 50 - 05/09/2008 11:52

it's new king of the world. call me 50

now where u from who da boss ama break him off. welcome to my world and pleaz dont disturb the peace